Exterior Residential Painting Service
When you want your exterior painting done right you know who to turn to.
Home Painter London Exterior Painting Service
When you need the outside of your home painted either to protect it or to change the colour we should be your first choice. When it comes to the outside of your home you have to make sure it is done right. Having someone that doesn't can spell for disaster and can cost you a-lot more. We are not only the most affordable Exterior home painters we are also Know how to do it right just some of the services we offer Door and window painting, Tudor Home Painting, Stucco , Deck staining, Aluminum siding painting, Brick painting, Vinyl siding painting, garage door and Front door painting, driveway sealing, power-washing and curb appeal.
Exterior paint is not just a exterior paint there is a wide variety of exterior paints used for various purposes the wrong paint on the wrong surface can have costly devastating problems for the home owner. You have to remember that most paint sales places have people that are being paid minimum wages having extensive professional knowledge of every paint is very unlikely it is just easier to recommend the all purpose general exterior paint it will do the job as they have been told the difference is how long will it last will it stretch and contract with the expanding and contracting to the material your applying it to. I highly recommend a professional paint store when inquiring about paint and it purpose you have a better chance of having someone know what they are talking about.

Stucco Painting
Exterior Stucco Painting we dont see much here in London except on the older homes that have the broken glass in bedded in the stucco. Stucco Requires specialized skill and paints for if the applicator (painter) does not know what he is doing it will peal,
or even worse cause damage to interior structure of home, Stucco failure two major causes are the walls high PH content and water damage by having a clean, dry and crating a bondable surface by applying the right primer and applying to the above stucco failure can be prevented. Only use a professional painter that has knowledge and experience for exterior painting stucco.

Vinyl Siding Painting
When painting Vinyl siding the primer is very important roughing up surface and creating a good bonding surface. There is a trick to painting Vinyl siding for every peice has a groove and with out the tricks to the trade it can take a painter avery long time which means he will also be charging you for the time it is going to take. Hire those who are affordable and know what they are doing and save the money for other projects in and about your home.

Aluminum Siding Painting
Aluminum siding has a powdering build up or a black soot and if these aren't taken care of they will comprimse your aluminum siding painting. Extra care also has to be used in what paint you are using for the primer and temperture of the siding when applying

Brick Painting
When painting brick you need to be aware of the consistency of the brick the hardness of the brick matters also how porous the brick is. we do not recommend powewashing brick before painting for the softer older bricks can pit damaging the brick. primers again are important

Metal Roof Painting
Knowing what type of metal the roof is made of is very important to preserving the longtivity of the roof Steel rust and making sure you get rid of any rust is of the utmost importance temperture and humidity when applying paint to surface spot priming or complete stripping it comes down to the age and the most cost detering method prolonging the usage of the roof.

Tudor Home Painting
we have done alot of Tudor home painting from brown and white tudor homes to Black and white tudor houses we even did a red and white one and a few grey and white tudor homes.

Deck Staining
every year or two you should get your deck recoated we recommend a quick coat of stain every year to our customers but most people let it go until the wood has seriously aged where this could be prevented by a very quick application of stain on thier decks which would extend the life of thier deck or patio saving them thousands of dollars and having a nice looking deck.

Driveway Sealing
Curb appeal, curb appeal what can I say a black drive way just says wow it is the most affordable thing to get done cheaper than gardening and has more impact also. If you are going to sell your home a cracked wavey driveway is a turn off but a freshly sealed driveway with the same waves and cracks is no longer noticed. Every year we are called out to save a home sale by having the driveway sealed seals the deal

Garage Door Painting
The garage door makes up a good portion of the front of a house and poor condition garage door looks poorly on the house bringing it precieved value down. Garage doors should stand out not blend in with the house it give demension to the house similar to what trim does on the interior of the house

Front Door Painting
It is the enterance to every home it will be what everyone will be looking at as they wait for you to open the door. It will accent the house with the garage door.
A scraped up dirty door is a eye sore. It is time you clean it up and give it the respect it deserves. First impressions last.

Power Washing
We only offer this for driveways car ports and decks we do not focus on this and recommend that the customer do it themselves in the case they cant or they have to contract it out we do it for them to save them the hassle and extra cost.