Environmental Painting Service
As Home Painters London Ontario we realize that you spend many hours in your home and making sure it is not only appealing but healthy is a main concern hera at Home Painter London. Many paints and paint strippers are now available solvent-free or with low levels of solvents. These usually cost more, but don’t have the toxic fumes normally associated with paints.
When choosing indoor paints, opt for water- or clay-based paints with no VOCs.
Due to environmental painting regulations and increasing consumer demand, paint companies have developed new house paints that emit little or no VOCs. This is achieved by using water as a base instead of traditional, petroleum-based oil solvents.

Benjamin Moore
Benjamin Moore line of paint, Aura and now Natura paints which is less harmful to the environment because it releases only one-third as much in volatile organic compounds as regular paint does.

Dulux Paints
Dulux Lifemaster Paints are LEED compliant.
100% acrlyic paint giving a strong washable finish combined with a eco friendly paint.

PARA Paints
Para Essence is a hide hiding paint
which meets Canada's VOC compliance
Giving a strong washable finish that wont go yellow.
​As London Ontario Painters we suggest that you make your home a healthy home At Home Painters London Ontario your health and the health of our future children is constanlty on our minds. We have taken steps to lower our foot print here at Home painters London Ontario by first by not using tape unless absolutely required we rather perfect our skills than to add to the garbage and chemicals that are used. We here at Home painters London Ontario also have moved from cheaper equipment to more expensive longer lasting tools. Anything we can to save and protect our future generations wellbeing.